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Most Significant Change

The Most Significant Change Handbook provides an overview of the approach in response to the need for enhancing the availability of more compelling stories and best practices from the Centre’s grassroots level of interventions, complementing its results-based management approach. It clarifies the development of the MSC approach, followed by an outline of the main advantages and disadvantages of the approach. Examples are then provided to illustrate how the approach has been applied in different contexts and organizations. It also provides guidelines for applying the approach to KAICIID interventions. The Annexes provide a bibliography of the main sources of information used and some MSC practical tools for managers and staff.

The International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID published today its 2022 Annual Report which demonstrates the power of interreligious dialogue in delivering peace and hope to the world’s most vulnerable people.

The past 12 months have been an exciting new chapter for the Centre, as KAICIID relocated to Lisbon, Portugal, welcomed new leadership, and celebrated its tenth anniversary.

A KAICIID Women's Voices Series Webinar in collaboration with Tanenbaum and women from their Peacemakers in Action Network

Women have been playing a crucial role in global governance since the drafting and signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Women bring immense benefits to diplomacy. Their leadership styles, expertise and priorities broaden the scope of issues under consideration and the quality of outcomes. Research shows that when women serve in cabinets and parliaments, they pass laws and policies that are better for ordinary people, the environment and social cohesion. Advancing measures to increase women’s participation in peace and political processes is vital to achieving women’s de facto equality in the context of entrenched discrimination.

In celebration and acknowledgement of the UN International Day of Women in Diplomacy on 24 June 2023, this webinar shall highlight women grassroots peace activists who started by building peace within their own communities and eventually made their way to diplomacy and/or government roles. They are uniquely positioned to understand the local dynamics of the conflicts they seek to transform. Participants on the panel include religiously motivated peace actors.

KAICIID's "Women's Voices" webinar series, addresses crosscutting themes of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.  Women in Diplomacy is the 2nd of the 2023 three-part series.  An article was published in September last year around the 2022 series.

The 2022 Annual Report highlights, an extraordinary year for KAICIID. In July, the Centre relocated to its new host country, Portugal. In October, KAICIID’s new Secretary General, Dr. Zuhair Alharthi, and Deputy Secretary General, Ambassador António de Almeida-Ribeiro, took office. In November, the Centre celebrated its tenth anniversary of promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue in support of sustainable peace processes, global agendas on sustainable development, human rights and gender equality worldwide.