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KAICIID and the 2020 G20 Interfaith Forum

KAICIID and the 2020 G20 Interfaith Forum

As leaders and experts who work at the interface of religion and policy, we are conscious of the ways that religious communities have responded to the challenge and of ways they have learned to adapt. Most of us will never forget this year’s Easter, this year’s Passover, this year’s Ramadan, and the ways that life in every religious community has been affected. Our consciences have also been seared by other pandemics—the all-too-resilient strains of racism—both personal and structural; the burdens of inequality, in all their myriad forms; the suffering of people who 'can't breathe;' the unending flood of refugees and displaced persons; the ongoing degradation of the environment; and countless other ills that bear in upon us as we shelter and social distance in our homes.

 - H.E. Metropolitan Emmanuel, Metropolitan of France and Chairman of the KAICIID Board of Directors

Peace Journalist Network to combat hate speech and reduce conflict in CAR (Reseau des Journalists Sensible aux conflicts)

Established in 2018, the KAICIID-supported Peace Journalist Network (Le Reseau de Journalists de Sensibilisation Conflit) seeks to report on peace and security with ethical integrity and factual rigor, as well as counter divisive rhetoric and incitement to violence with messages of reconciliation, unity and constructive dialogue. The Network’s core aim is to strengthen the capacity, skillset and conflict-prevention literacy of its journalists as they report on the impact of hostilities and trauma. Today, the network has some 400 members — Central African journalists working in radio, television and print media in the capital, Bangui, and a dozen other towns nationwide.

The Network also organizes media ethics workshops and has developed a code of conduct and ethics for reporting. Furthermore, it has trained journalists in covering conflict-related trauma— the psychological damage resulting from deeply distressing experiences or violent acts

Interfaith Dialogue Forum for Peace (IDFP)


In 2017, KAICIID supported the launch of the Interfaith Dialogue Forum for Peace (IDFP), which was the result of consultations with over 80 stakeholders and local partners in order to promote more effective and sustainable collaboration in Nigeria. As a locally owned, and legally registered entity, the IDFP works on the promotion of interreligious dialogue for peace in the country, bringing together religious and interreligious actors, with international, governmental and civil society partners. The Forum has succeeded in adopting an interreligious action plan focusing on the establishment of Interfaith Networks as well as five main areas of work: (1) social cohesion, (2) interfaith education, (3) freedom of religion and the protection of holy sites, (4) interfaith exchanges and media sensitisation, and (5) countering hate speech.

  • Visits to communities in Kaduna State, Plateau State, Taraba State, Benue State, and Zamfara State affected by tensions between farming and pastoralists groups.
  • A high level intra-faith round table meeting on the de-radicalisation of extremist tendencies in Nigeria, resulting in a roadmap and a consensus working document for further implementation by the Muslim community.
  • A round table for Muslim and Christian students on the prevention of hate speech.
  • A workshop for women which raised awareness on hate speech and incitement to violence, and equipped participants with tools to foster peace.
  • Training for 120 Nigerian youth on the positive role of religion in peacebuilding within their communities.

KAICIID’s 2021 Annual Report highlights the great achievements we, and our partners, made to promote dialogue that fosters respect among cultures and religions. As the nature of the pandemic changed, we continued our work. While we were able to return to face-to-face interactions in some areas, we continued to use the lessons learned to build on the digital platforms that we established in the previous years to exercise and expand our mission, promoting dialogue that fosters respect among cultures and religions. 

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KAICIID’s work in Africa focuses on promoting peace and reconciliation through interreligious and intercultural dialogue, particularly in regions experiencing conflict, displacement, and social fragmentation. Our key initiatives support peacebuilding by fostering dialogue among religious leaders, policymakers, and civil society, addressing the root causes of conflict, and strengthening social cohesion. In countries such as the Central African Republic (CAR), Mozambique, and Nigeria, KAICIID’s programmes focus on building networks of cooperation among religious communities, enhancing local peace efforts, and creating inclusive spaces for dialogue. 

The main aim of the Africa Programme is to ensure that religious, traditional, and other relevant actors are fully engaged in supporting sustained peace and security initiatives, working together to uphold Human Dignity and realise the 2063 African Union Agenda. 

Working towards the achievement of the mentioned outcome, the Nigeria and CAR Country Programmes, as well as the Mozambique initiative, are used as anchors to the interventions at the regional level. Specifically, projects piloted and implemented at the national level are then showcased during regional fora for potential replication and upscaling in other countries of the region. 

Central to our work is the engagement of religious leaders and local actors in conflict resolution, with targeted training that empowers communities to prevent violence and build peace. In Mozambique, our initiatives focus on reducing religious and ethnic tensions exacerbated by the ongoing conflict in the Cabo Delgado region. Similarly, in the Central African Republic, KAICIID’s work with journalists and media professionals is aimed at countering hate speech and misinformation, promoting responsible reporting, and supporting peace efforts. Through these initiatives, we are fostering a culture of transformative dialogue that strengthens communities, reduces conflict, and promotes long-term stability across the region. 


Europe Region

Europe Region

In a Europe marked by intersecting crises and growing polarisations, we harness the power of interreligious and intercultural dialogue to strengthen social cohesion and support reconciliation across the 46 countries of the Council of Europe. Our mission is to foster rights-based, equitable and inclusive societies, drawing on shared values from diverse cultural, religious, and humanist traditions. We provide safe and dynamic spaces that explore complex challenges related to identity, discrimination, exclusion and inequalities based on ethnic, cultural and religious factors. Our aim is to build trust, promote mutual understanding and learning, and foster a sense of belonging, paying special attention to marginalised groups, including religious and ethnic minorities, refugees, migrants, youth, and women from fragile contexts. 

By blending policymaking and policy implementation discussions with grassroots actions and research, we engage a diverse range of partners—from secular and religious leaders at all levels to faith-based organizations, civil society, academia, and the private sector. Our interreligious platforms, capacity-development and grant-making initiatives empower individuals and communities, establish networks, and build coalitions committed to constructing the emotional and spiritual foundations needed for fair and cohesive communities that uphold human dignity for all. 


Our networks bring together a vibrant community of global changemakers including religious actors, policymakers, academics and dialogue practitioners. Through them we expand and deepen the impact of dialogue initiatives, foster the exchange of best practices and provide access to funding and resources. Our networks also provide continuing education and professional development opportunities to reinforce lasting outcomes in the field.
