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The Venerable Esika Zawti

País: Myanmar (Burma)

Año: 2017

Afiliación religiosa: Buddhism

Buddhist Monk and Educator

The Venerable Esika Zawti was born in 1981 in a village in rural Myanmar. He received his monastic education in Buddha’s teaching in the town of Myingyan, Mandalay, Pyay (Prome) and Yangon and received the Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya degree, and in 2005, continued his studies at Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, where he obtained a master’s degree. After that, he returned to Myanmar to teach the history of Buddhism and other religions at Dhammadhuta college as well as to educate new generations on Buddha’s teachings at his monastery.

Ven. Esika loves teaching, reading, travelling and talking with people from different walks of life and nationalities. He believes that by teaching, he can share his knowledge with the next generation; by reading, he can get more and more knowledge; and by travelling, he will learn about culture, customs and people from different parts of the world. Talking with new people makes him more confident and leads to understand the nature of the human being and the importance of respecting one another. He believes that by participating in the Fellows Programme, he will gain valuable knowledge, experiences and interests for his life and work.

His motto is simple: “Brighten the corner where you are.”