Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati
País: MH India
Año: 2016
Idiomas: English
Organizaciones: Aarsha Vidya Foundation
Especialidad: Psychology, Counselling
Area de enfoque: Religious
Afiliación religiosa: Hinduism
Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati is a traditional teacher of Vedanta and a monk in India. She conducts classes and courses in Vedanta, Sanskrit and Vedic chanting in Mumbai and online for international students alongside conducting workshops on personal growth in the light of Indian scriptures and culture. She completed an intensive course of study under Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji, the foremost scholar of Vedanta and Sanskrit recognised worldwide, in Arsha Vidya Gurukulam. She holds An M.Phil and M.A in Psychology from SNDT University, Mumbai and her thesis was on ‘Coping strategies of street youth’ after her early years in a convent school. Having trained as a psychologist and worked for fifteen years in different capacities as a counsellor, coordinator of initiatives for street youth, a strategic leader of an international organisation impacting fifteen thousand children annually, a social development professional, mentor of staff, professor of psychology and now religious teacher, the areas of project management, collective dialogue, conflict resolution and discovering harmony in oneself and with others, is part and parcel of everyday living. In recognition of her earlier work in the social sector, she was invited by the government to serve as a judge for justice for alleged child offenders. Given the diversity of cultures she constantly interacts with in India, Swamini recognises that the only way to discover harmony at all levels in the world is ‘to acknowledge differences, live a life of mutual respect and celebrate each other, with the vision of oneness.’