Sneha Roy
País: WB India
Año: 2016
Idiomas: English, Hindi
Organizaciones: Hindu Council of the UK
Area de enfoque: Academic
Afiliación religiosa: Hinduism
As a result of her master’s degree in socio-cultural anthropology she received from the Durham University in Durham, UK, during which she specialised in religious anthropology and world cultures, Sneha has gained deep insights on how religion is misused to incite conflict. Coming from India, she has witnessed the beauty in diversity, but has also perceived the enormous challenge in maintaining inter- and intra- religious harmony. She endeavours to make her community and the world a better place to live in, where respect for the other, compassion, empathy and peace thrives. She aspires to become an interreligious peace facilitator to achieve this goal.
For the past two years, she has worked with the Hindu Council of the UK and spearheaded the first comprehensive report on the Hindu diaspora of the UK. She conducts exhibitions, cultural fests and excursions to help people engage socially with those of other faith backgrounds in both India and the UK. She is the founder of “Religion through My Lenses” a forum that exhibits photographs of religious experiences and helps others to observe the diverse manners in which one understands his or her religion. She focuses on the importance of youth and women empowerment and is a firm believer that peace spreads when it starts from within ourselves.