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Heidi Rautionmaa

País: Finland

Año: 2019

Adult educator; journalist; Lutheran pastor

Heidi Rautionmaa gives trainings on interfaith issues mainly for teachers, people of the religious communities and youth. She has 20 years of experience in organizing various interfaith activities between women, youth and religious communities, on the grass roots in Finland and internationally, for example, through the Global Council Trustee of United Religions Initiative and as a co-chair of Religions for Peace European Women of Faith Network.

Currently Heidi is a board member of European Network on Religion & Belief, a committee member of Religions for Peace (RfP) in Europe and an ambassador of the Parliament of World's Religions. Heidi chairs the RfP Women of Faith Network and Faiths Without Borders (Uskot ilman rajoja ry) in Finland.

She works as a project planner for teacher training at the faculty of educational sciences at the University in Helsinki in providing study material for inter worldview education. She is also writing her PhD theses on pedagogy of inter worldview education.