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Dr. Nur Hidayah

País: Indonesia

Año: 2017

Organizaciones: Community Empowerment Smart Indonesia Foundation

Area de enfoque: Academic

Afiliación religiosa: Islam

Lecturer, Medical and Health Science Faculty, the State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar

Dr. Nur Hidayah is a lecturer at the Medical and Health Science Faculty at the State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. She holds a doctorate in public administration studies. She is the Secretary of the Alauddin Peacebuilding Institute, which focuses on promoting, educating and training on peace among students, university and community leaders.

Over the past three years, she has been active in providing training in conflict resolution and peace education because she believes that these subjects are important components in instilling inner peace among students, institutions and communities and was involved in developing curriculum and peace education modules. Currently she is the Vice Dean of Academic and Institutional Development Affairs. She is also one of the founders of the Community Empowerment Smart Indonesia Foundation called Yayasan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Cerdas, which focuses on human resources development for health workers, researchers for hospital development and community empowerment.

Nur has participated in several national and international workshops on pluralism, interreligious dialogue and human rights. Her latest work is the development of peace education curriculum and module for students to promote peace values in her hometown. Her motto is “Peace is My Life.”