Chae Young Kim
País: South Korea
Año: 2020
Idiomas: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, English
Afiliación religiosa: Christianity
Chae Young Kim teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at Sogang University, Korea. He served as president of the Korean Association for Religious Studies from 2014-2016. He serves on the editorial board of the international journals Religion and British Journal of Religious Education. He has published diverse English articles with a comparative-dialogic perspective in the Heythrop Journal, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Religion, Journal of Dharma, Religions and the Journal of Religion and Health. He is the translator of William James’ the Varieties of Religious Experience and Ernest Becker’s the Denial of Death into Korean. He also published Korean books and articles on William James, Bernard Lonergan, Wilfred Cantwell Smith, psychology of religion, religious education, new religious movements and contemporary religious experience in Korea.