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Anselme Bezzi

País: Central African Republic

Año: 2020

Idiomas: French

Especialidad: Mediation, Negotiation

Afiliación religiosa: Christianity

Community Liaison Assistant, MINUSCA

Anselme Bezzi has worked as the Community Liaison Assistant at MINUSCA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic) since April 2016, specialising in protection of civilians. Prior to that, he was the national coordinator in charge of the follow-up of the evaluation project at PLAN International. He has worked for a number of different NGOs in the fields of health information and social monitoring for the protection of patients and children as well as water and sanitation. He holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences.

His skills include management of inter- and intra-community conflicts; monitoring and evaluation of protection programmes (specifically on education, nutrition and health); water hygiene and sanitation; programme administration; knowledge of conflict management and human rights issues; field data collection and recording; management of collected databases and information; reporting and data analysis; promotion and dissemination of international humanitarian law; logistics management, team management.