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Adane Dechassa Teshale

País: Ethiopia

Año: 2018

Afiliación religiosa: Christianity

Deputy Director for Peace-building Department, Inter-religious Council of Ethiopia

Adane Dechassa Teshale is an ambassador for peace and part-time instructor in Ethiopia. He is attending the MA program in anaging peace and security in Addis Ababa University, Institute for Peace and Security Studies and is also serving teaching and preaching the in Meserete Kirstos Church, the largest Mennonites Sister Church in Africa, and in other Evangelical Churches in the country. He has a  BA from Meserete Kirstos College in peace and conflict resolution and earned an MA from the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology in biblical and theological studies in 2016. He is working toward an additional MA in leadership and management. He also has various certificates in the areas of transformational leadership, conflict transformation, peacebuilding, restorative justice, mediation and dialogue.

His passion for peacebuilding and conflict transformation brought him to lead the the Inter-Religious Council of Addis Ababa as executive director from 2013 to 2015, and later to the Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia as the coordinator of Peace Building Department since 2016. Adane facilitates effectively dialogues and peacebuilding workshops throughout the country. He teaches publicly about peacebuilding, tolerance, coexistence, common values and the golden rules for interfaith leaders and authors articles and training manuals.