Abraham Araya Kidane
País: Ethiopia
Año: 2020
Idiomas: Amharic, English
Especialidad: Human Resouces, Theology, Leadership
Afiliación religiosa: Christianity
Abraham Araya Kidane started his work as a local missionary 25 years ago, by being sent into different areas of the country by his church. After several years of missionary work, he has been serving the Kingdom by being a full-time pastor at a number of local congregations. Since 2014, he is working as a teacher and dean of students at a theological college called Pentecostal Theological College.
Having peaceful relations among religious groups and teaching about leadership are his primary interests. Moreover, he presents his teachings not merely with a traditional approach, but with a modern one. He believes that this shall make church leaders competent and able to deal with and approach humanity's existing problems scientifically and effectively for the benefit of God's Kingdom.
Being a theological teacher gave him a chance to interact with a variety of people on fundamental topics in human lives. He had several chances to meet and discuss with religious leaders on important issues particularly how to build and keep the peace in our societies.
Planting new churches, equipping church leaders, advancing his educational status, establishing smooth relations among multi-religious societies can be mentioned as the most importantmajor of his achievements.