KAICIID Partner Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives Welcomes His Holiness Pope Francis to Myanmar
The following statement was issued by KAICIID partner Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives, several members of whom met with His Holiness Pope Francis during his apostolic visit to Myanmar today.
We welcome His Holiness Pope Francis to Myanmar. This visit by His Holiness is truly historic, and his message of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace are much needed today in Myanmar and indeed around the world.
We, Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives, have been working to rebuild trust and dialogue between the different religious communities in Myanmar. We thank His Holiness for his support for this mission of interreligious dialogue and cooperation. His meeting, during his visit, with representatives of the diverse religious communities in Myanmar highlights the vital role of religious communities in building coexistence and common citizenship.
Through our teachings and prayer, we commit to continue to highlight the message of peace and love that is at the heart of all religions, and through our cooperation to set an example of interreligious harmony to all citizens of this country. We call on all our brothers and sisters, leaders of religious communities in Myanmar, to join us in this effort.
We call on all our fellow citizens of Myanmar to reject hate speech, and for instead commit to working together for a better future for all our people.
We emphasize the urgent need for initiatives and efforts to aid all those who are suffering in Myanmar, and to rebuild the trust between our communities, so that Myanmar may once more be a country where people of different religions and cultures live in harmony, side by side.
About the Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives
The Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives (PMI) is a multi-religious and inclusive network composed of around 50 prominent religious leaders from various traditions (Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Muslims) and civil society organizations to promote peaceful dialogue across Myanmar.
PMI and its partners aim to serve as sustainable networks and platforms of Burmese-led activities to build bridges between diverse religious, ethnic, political and regional communities. The Peaceful Myanmar Initiatives is supported by the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID).
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