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BMEIA Intercultural Achievement Award Winners Visit KAICIID

07 September 2018

Vienna, 7 September 2018: The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) today received the recipients of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA)’s Intercultural Achievement Awards. The award-winners heard from KAICIID experts about the Centre’s work in promoting dialogue, and presented their own projects.

The award is given out every year to innovative projects in intercultural dialogue that blaze new paths in using dialogue as a tool to solve concrete issues. Open to organizations all over the world as well as in Austria, the Intercultural Achievement Award recognises projects and organizations for their work in four categories: innovation, sustainability, recent events and media.

One recipient of the award, Taras Dzyubanskyy, is also a KAICIID Fellow. Mr. Dzubanskyy was recognized for his work with the Libertas Center for Interconfessional and Interreligious Dialogue based in Ukraine. The Libertas Center brings together secular and religious journalists and religious actors aims to mitigate “fake news” on social media and to deepen the understanding of community issues between journalists and religious leaders.

“The project brought together religious leaders, religious representatives, and journalists so they can work together to fight propaganda and “fake news”,” Dzyubanskyy said. “Religious communities have so many spiritual resources that can be used to make society better and make a more honest and transparent world.”

Other award recipients came from Austria, Israel, Mozambique, Pakistan, Tunisia and Ukraine.