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23 Sep 2016

Linda Zahra and Gilbert Yammine in an opening of a thematic photography exhibition accompanied by a musical performance.

25 Jul 2016
Swami Agnivesh and Fellows

A small group of KAICIID Fellows were invited to participate in the G-20 Interfaith Summit in Kerala, India on 25-27 July. They, as well as KAICIID Board Member Swami Agnivesh, discussed how important it is that religious communities and religious actors can work together to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals. 

14 Jun 2016
Indonesia IRD Manual Launch

Together with Religions for Peace (RfP) and the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilisations, KAICIID launched a groundbreaking interreligious education manual in Indonesia that will help teachers incorporate interreligious education into the curriculum. The Jakarta launch marked the conclusion of the Indonesian project of the Multireligious Cooperation for the Common Good programme, a KAICIID programme aimed at building community cohesion and building peace through interreligious education. 

24 May 2016

The European Student Think Tank, a Dutch student organisation with representations in Austria and various other European countries visited the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) to learn about the Vienna-based intergovernmental organisation. The Austrian Ambassador of the platform together with a group of students from Vienna’s universities were welcomed to KAICIID by Director of Communications Peter Kaiser. He introduced the group to KAICIID’s unique organisational structure and its mandate to foster interreligious and intercultural dialogue. In addition, the students received a short overview of the different programmes KAICIID is currently undertaking in Iraq and Syria, Nigeria, the Central African Republic and Myanmar.