31 May 2016

The Deputy Secretary General for External Relations of the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), Ambassador Alvaro Albacete, spoke at the first International Conference on Preventive Diplomacy in the Mediterranean in Alicante, Spain on 30-31 May. Amb. Albacete spoke in front of European Union and United Nations representatives, policy makers from Spain and the Mediterranean region and religious leaders from the Middle East and outlined KAICIID’s social media trainings in the Middle East as best practices of interreligious dialogue for peacebuilding, and referred to other geographic areas where the International Dialogue Centre is working, such as the Central African Republic and Nigeria. He also mentioned the United Against Violence on the Name of Religion initiative as an example of how policy makers, religious leaders and international organisations can work together to promote peaceful coexistence and to counter hatred and prejudices arising from the manipulation of religion.