Delegation from Youth Council of Islamic Community of Austria Visits KAICIID

04 April 2014

The KAICIID Deputy Secretary General Claudia Bandion-Ortner welcomed a delegation from the Youth Council of the Islamic Faith Community in Austria (or Jugendrat der Islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich) to the KAICIID Dialogue Centre on 4 April 2014.

The delegation was led by Abdi Tasdögen, Federal Chairman, and included Ismail Koc, Secretary General, Hurije Ajredini, National Board member, Fahad Al Rawi, Social Representative and Muammer Akkaya, Personal Assistant to the Chairman.

KAICIID Deputy Secretary General Claudia Bandion-Ortner welcomed the delegation to the Centre: "KAICIID has a mandate to support the work of organisations promoting a responsible way of living the religious and spiritual dimension of life. One of the ways in which KAICIID strengthens dialogue is by facilitating exchange between religious representatives and groups. We are keen to build relationships with religious communities, and to explore ways in which we can support their work, especially here in our home city of Vienna."

Abdi Tasdögen, Federal Chairman, said: "KAICIID is an exciting project that seeks to promote global dialogue and understanding. Therefore, we appreciate that KAICIID is active at a local level too. As the first European country to recognize Islam over a century ago, Austria created at the state level the conditions for intercultural dialogue that have already borne fruit. As the Youth Council of the Islamic Community in Austria, it is important for us to be here at KAICIID, and we look forward to enhanced exchange."