Speech by João Gomes Cravinho, Portugal’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the Occasion of KAICIID’s 10th Anniversary

12 December 2022
Watch the speech here


Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of KAICIID,

Secretary-General of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Ambassadors of the State Parties to KAICIID,

Religious leaders,

Staff and friends of KAICIID,

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is a pleasure and an honor to be able to attend this ceremony of the 10th anniversary of KAICIID. And I am particularly pleased because this important milestone of the Centre’s existence is celebrated here in Lisbon, KAICIID’s new home.

From the very beginning, the Portuguese Government was supportive of KAICIID’s establishment in Portugal, as the Centre sought a new home for its activities. Portugal has an important track record in hosting and providing a cosmopolitan base for the activities of international institutions. 

Our humanist tradition, our culture of inclusion, and our strong commitment to intercultural dialogue as well as multilateralism create a fertile ground for international bodies who seek a vibrant ecosystem for their activities.


The landscape is already quite rich.

  1. the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
  2. the Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies
  3. the Imamat Ismaili
  4. the CPLP, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
  5. as well as EU and UN agencies whose work touches key areas of our global agenda – such as migration, refugees, or maritime security.

And now, KAICIID, with its mission to build peace through social cohesion, joins this distinguished group of organizations.


Today is a moment to celebrate – but I believe it to be also a call for action to all of us who engage with KAICIID.

I know that, at the Centre, you have all been reflecting on what this milestone means to you and your valuable work – and how you can best take it to the next level.

Of the 10 lessons you have drawn out a few days ago, I would like to underline the relevance in particular of two of them.


One pertains to the return on a strong investment in partnerships, including and especially with grassroots organizations.

I know that the last edition of the European Policy Dialogue Forum, which you organized in Barcelona a few weeks ago, shed light on the evident benefits emerging from an active participation of civil society bodies, especially those representing refugees and immigrants with distinct cultural and religious sensitivities, in the decision-making process.

Participation is a necessary condition for integration. And there, Portugal is also ready to engage with KAICIID and partners, including multilateral institutions, such as the International Organization for Migration, whose work is only going to become more and more relevant.


The other lesson learned that I would like to underscore concerns the need to value the role of media in our societies. This is a dimension that defines our individual and collective abilities to dialogue – and one to which Portugal pays close attention to, as the election of a distinguished Portuguese high-level official to be the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media demonstrates.

We have high expectations as to the volume of information at our fingertips by the minute – but we must be similarly demanding about the quality of the information we digest.

The recent training you offered to close to 30 journalists of 11 Arab countries on how to fight hate speech and accurately cover religious and ethnic topics is a great example on how to preserve freedom of expression and of media – and one that I hope you can take forward.


As the Centre settles in its new location, prepares for the new decade ahead, and seeks to contribute to the highly complex world we live in, it is vital that KAICIID benefits from as wide and diverse support as it can.

You can continue to count on Portugal’s support.


My suggestion is that you should

Continue to build synergies with those international organizations in Portugal and beyond.

Continue to reach out and engage more countries in your work.

And join us in the work we will start undertaking to host the 10th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of the Civilizations here in Portugal in 2024.

Happy 10th Anniversary, KAICIID, and here’s to 10 more years of great success – and, of course, in Portugal.

Thank you very much.