KAICIID Board of Directors Condemns Bombing of Pakistani Mosque

07 March 2022

More than 50 people were killed and almost 200 wounded after a bomb exploded at the Kucha Risaldar mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. The attack took place as worshippers were gathering for Friday prayers.

Police officials said that attackers killed two guards before entering the mosque, while another attacker detonated a suicide vest inside the mosque.

The multireligious Board of Directors of the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) issued the following statement:

“We condemn this cowardly attack against innocent civilians gathered at a place of worship. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the victims' families and loved ones.

We must protect life and ensure safe worship for all. We strongly condemn all attacks on holy sites and places of worship and remind all of our shared duty to uphold peace, tolerance and human rights.

United in our religious values, believing in the sanctity of life, we call on local authorities to protect those seeking to worship in peace.”