United in Diversity: Preservation of Cultural and Religious Sites

United in Diversity: Preservation of Cultural and Religious Sites

Living together in peace is all about accepting differences and having the ability to listen to, recognize, respect and appreciate others, as well as living in a peaceful and united way.

Ahead of the International Day of Living together in Peace, in partnership with UNESCO and WOSM, KAICIID will host a webinar addressing the preservation of the religious and cultural sites. Raising awarness and preserving religious and cultural sites significantly contribute to building solidarity and social cohesion, in particular where a community is involved in its restoration and protection. 

The International Day of Living together in Peace encourages reconciliation towards peacebuidling, including  working with different communities, faith leaders and other relevant actors, through reconciliatory measures and acts of service and by encouraging forgiveness and compassion among individuals. There is the need to go beyond seeing heritage sites as belonging to one faith or belief, being mindful of a balance between the right of private property, cultural heritage and religious autonomy.

The United Nations Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites provides concrete recommendations to support Member States in their efforts to ensure that religious sites are safe, that worshipers can observe their rituals in peace, and that the values of compassion and tolerance are fostered globally. 

The aim of this webinar is to bring together faith and community leaders to share their ideas, visions, and concerns, providing insights from their practice, experience and scholarly perspectives on the preservation of cultural and religious sites. Every individual must be allowed to observe and practice their faith in peace. Religious sites and every place of worship should be a safe haven. Speakers shall address the responsibility of communities to address the protection of their religious and sacred sites as religion plays a fair role in cultural heritage and the historical experience.