FAITH4SDGs: Ensuring Safe and Affordable Housing (Goal 11)



United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. 

In 2017, an 8.1 magnitude earthquake destroyed much of the infrastructure in Chiapas, Mexico, leaving thousands homeless and affecting more than 300,000 families. Approximately, 40,000 homes were partially damaged and 17,000 were completely destroyed. Since the earthquake, Habitat for Humanity has worked on more than 50% of damaged homes in Chiapas. The organization employs qualified architects to ensure houses are seismically safe and involves communities in the design process. 

Under Goal 11, KAICIID's Faith4SDGs project is profiling Habitat For Humanity, an ecumenical Christian, nonprofit housing organization which operates in 70 countries to empower the world’s poorest communities to overcome the chronic lack of decent housing. Habitat has an open-door policy: All who desire to be a part of this work are welcome, regardless of religious preference or background, and homes are built for people in need regardless of race or religion. 

Join us for a film screening, followed by a Q&A session with guest panellists from the fields of housing and urban planning to discuss how rapid urbanisation is resulting in a growing number of slums, inadequate and overburdened infrastructure and services, as well as what faith communities can do about it. 

You are encouraged to submit questions and topics you would like our guests speakers to explore!