FAITH4SDGs: Mobilising Faith Communities Around Environmental Justice (Goal 7)



United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. 

Only 17 per cent of global energy consumption comes from renewable sources, not nearly enough to meet long-term climate goals at projected growth rates. Climate disasters have the largest impacts on the poor and most vulnerable, resulting in supply chain disruptions, hunger, drought and refugee crises. 

KAICIID's Faith4SDGs project is profiling Interfaith Power and Light (IPL), a faith-based organization which unites faith communities around climate justice, particularly for low-income or vulnerable communities. 

In this film, we've followed the work of IPL on Navajo Nation, the largest Native American territory in the United States, Over 15,000 homes on Navajo Nation lack electricity, accounting for 75% of all unelectrified households in the United States. Nearly 43% of the population lives below the poverty line. Together with its partners, IPL is providing solar panels to Navajo families as part of their commitment to environmental and social justice. 

Join us for a film screening, followed by a Q&A session with guest panellists from the fields of renewable energy and environmental protection to discuss the growing number of religious actors moblising around a faithful response to climate change and inequality. 

You are encouraged to submit questions and topics you would like our guests speakers to explore!