FAITH4SDGs: Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women (Goal 5)

FAITH4SDGs: Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women (Goal 5)

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

As part of KAICIID's Faith4SDGs digital storytelling project, we will screen a short film highlighting the work of the Bodhichitta Foundation, an organization which works to empower women in India and combat child marriage. Operating on the basis of Buddhist principles, the Bodhichitta Foundation provides access to education and job training opportunities for girls in the Bihar province. The film will be followed by a Q&A session with members of the organization and experts in the field of gender equality. 

According to UNICEF, each year, at least 1.5 million girls under the age of 18 get married in India, which makes it home to the largest number of child brides in the world - accounting for a third of the global total. Child marriage is more common among lower income households, with many families marrying off their daughters to reduce their perceived economic burden. Child marriage means that young people lack the skills, knowledge and job prospects needed to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their country’s social and economic growth.

However, ending child marriage is not the only target we have to strive toward. This webinar will discuss how faith communities can ensure the effective participation of women in society, undertaking structural reforms to give women equal access to education, jobs, leadership positions and financial resources. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. 

You are encouraged to submit questions and topics to be explored during our Q&A session!