Youth in Action: Building Peace and Moving Dialogue Online



Although COVID-19 has resulted in school closures and cancelled gatherings, young people are demonstrating their continued leadership and initiative in supporting each other and their local communities.

According to the UN, young people are some of the most affected by the pandemic’s socio-economic impacts; however, they are also active in global response and can be an important force for community outreach in times of crisis.

At the same time, the pandemic also creates the need for innovative ways to provide online education and digital support for young people.

Join KAICIID and special guests from key youth organizations around the world as we discuss how youth are responding to the crisis and providing support for their local communities. We will also look at how to move dialogue online and offer recommendations for digital outreach. Finally, speakers will also offer advice for how to protect and care for the mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing of young people during this uncertain time.