Fostering Resilience and Tolerance in Rakhine State

Fostering Resilience and Tolerance in Rakhine State

In 2010, Myanmar started a remarkable political transition; however, tensions along religious and identity lines continue to prevail nationwide. Nationalist hate speech often triggers discrimination and open violence against religious minorities, notably Muslims and Christians. In Rakhine State, located in the western part of the country, the ethno-religious conflict involving the Buddhist majority and the Muslim minority community has escalated since 2012 resulting in human rights violations as well as millions of people displaced.

Both KAICIID and Search for Common Ground are implementing grassroot initiatives among different religious communities in Rakhine State in order to build resilience and revive tolerance within communities. 

Learning from the collaboration between these two organizations, our speakers will take a closer look at some of the most successful initiatives and offer recommendations for how to foster peace and reconciliation in regions affected by conflict.

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