COVID-19 and Religion #ReligionsRespond



As the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, faith-based organizations and religious leaders are reaching out in support to those in need. 

This webinar, which is part of KAICIID's #ReligionsRespond campaign, will look at how local and global faith communities have risen to the current challenge: comforting those who are suffering, feeding those who are hungry, praying for those who are struggling, promoting good health practices, advocating help for the most vulnerable and perhaps most importantly, connecting people to one another.

Our speakers will take us through encouraging stories of generosity: from relief work with migrants, to hosting mediation calls, to the important role youth from diverse faiths are playing in fostering peace, harmony, safety and protection. The webinar will also explore useful tools and strategies for leading faith communities during uncertain times. 

Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session. 

Register and join the discussion!