COVID-19 and Religion



On March 11, the World Health Organisation officially designated COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Many are looking to religious leaders for guidance and to keep a sense of community during the crisis. Following social distancing and self-isolation guidelines, religious communities around the world are responsibly modifying their observance practices, moving community gatherings online, and praying for relief.

"This is a multifaith, multicultural challenge in our society that is best combatted by a united community", according to Dr. Brian J. Adams, who will join three other religious representatives at KAICIID's upcoming webinar. "Therefore, now is the time for our political, community and emergency service leaders to maintain or even deepen relations with communities of faith and faith-based service organizations as a key part of their preparation and response planning."

This webinar will explore some of the unique points of convergence that should be understood when a nation is faced with a COVID-19 outbreak and what various faith communities are doing in response to the crisis.

Our speakers will discuss their efforts to address COVID-19 in their local and global faith communities, offering practical solutions and hope amid confusion and panic. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.