Network for Dialogue: Inspiring civil society to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue as key enablers for the social inclusion of refugees and migrants.



The Network for Dialogue was initiated by The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) in order to bring together local faith and dialogue actors from a range of European countries to empower interreligious and intercultural action for people seeking refuge and migrant inclusion. This initiative is based on recommendations from an Expert’s Workshop on Interreligious Education in Europe, co-hosted in 2017 by KAICIID and the European Commission Representation in Vienna, Austria. The Network seeks to build the field of dialogue in order to enhance support for people seeking refuge, while also creating a mechanism for exchange between grassroots dialogue actors, scholars and policymakers. Moreover it provides a platform for developing more effective recommendations for integration and social inclusion policies. Network members are representatives of faith-based and secular organizations, religious leaders, academics and international organizations working in the fields of dialogue and social inclusion with people seeking refuge and migrants.


The Network for Dialogue has been launched on the 4 March 2019, and on this occasion the two represenatives of the network will present the work of the network in a short webinar moderated by KAICIID Programme focal point for the Programme for the Social Inclusion of People Seeking Refuge in Europe, Johannes Langer.

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